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Controlling a Garage Door with a Remote Control

Home  /  Electrical Advice  /  Controlling a Garage Door with a Remote Control

Remote control garage doors are no longer a luxury – they are almost the norm, as so many people have them installed in their homes. They are a reasonable price, making them attainable to many families and adding that touch of personalisation to a home.

Some garage doors will be installed as electric doors and you can specify a remote control function at this point. However, if you want a remote control fitting to your door retrospectively, then you will need to have a garage door opener installed. This is a mechanism that allows a door to be opened electrically, and you can use a remote control as well to open the door from afar. It’s not difficult, though you will need to have the correct type of garage door in the first place and may need to have a professional installation. This will more, but will make sure it functions perfectly.

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